Useful Hotlines

Emergency Lines

Emergency Police:


Emergency Ambulance/ Fire:


Police Hotline:

Non Emergency Ambulance/ Fire:

Yishun North Neighbourhood Police Centre 24hrs line:

Useful Numbers & Government Agencies

North-West Community Development Council:

HDB General Enquiries:

HDB Yishun Branch Service Line:

For any cleanliness, hygiene issues, or mosquito breeding, contact NEA:

6225 5632 (24hrs)

For animal nuisance; animal welfare matters, contact AVA:

1800-476-1600 (24hrs)

For food safety concerns on imported or locally processed/grown food, contact AVA:

6325 7625

(working hours)

For all traffic, road works & road matters, contact LTA:

1800-225 5582

(working hours)

For all park maintenance and tree trimming, contact NParks:

For all drainage and flood matters, contact PUB:

1800-2255-782 (24hrs)

For fire-fighting, rescue and ambulances, contact SCDF:

1800-280 0000

(working hours)

For all police matters, contact Singapore Police Force:

Mediation for neighbour disputes, contact Community Mediation Centre (CMC)